African Youth Mentorship Project (AYMP)

Over 40% of Sub-Saharan Africa’s population lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 per day with an alarming 60% of African youth ensnared in the clutches of poverty, and a staggering youth unemployment rate that eclipses 30%, there is an urgent call for investment in Africa’s youth development.

Africa, a continent teeming with youthful energy and potential, has long been grappling with two formidable adversaries: poverty and a deficit in education. These twin challenges have cast a shadow over the development of its youth, undermining the dreams and aspirations of millions. According to the World Bank, over 40% of Sub-Saharan Africa’s population lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 per day. This dire situation is even more pronounced among the young, where an alarming 60% of African youth are ensnared in the clutches of poverty.

As the youth of Africa face these daunting economic hardships, they find themselves navigating treacherous waters in search of opportunities that align with their talents and aspirations. The cruel irony is that these opportunities remain elusive for many, leading to a staggering youth unemployment rate that eclipses 30%. The consequences are far-reaching, as a growing number of young people turn to illegal activities as a means of survival, contributing to a rise in crime rates and social instability.

One of the casualties of this harsh reality is access to quality education and training. The lack of resources and opportunities has created a gaping skills gap among young Africans. Many of them emerge from their formative years without the competencies needed to thrive in today’s dynamic world. This vicious cycle of poverty, poor education, and unemployment perpetuates a cycle of despair, inhibiting the potential of a continent brimming with talent and ambition.

In the midst of these formidable challenges, the Primacy Youth Development Initiative (PYDI) emerges as a beacon of hope. PYDI is a Nigerian non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people across Africa through a range of initiatives designed to foster mentorship and skill-oriented education. PYDI recognizes the unique struggles faced by African youth, including the harsh realities of poverty, unemployment,  limited access to quality education and training.

What is African Youth Mentorship Project?

The African Youth Mentorship Project, led by visionary Esther Ajudeonu, has emerged as a transformative movement in the heart of Africa. Stemming from the annual Big Brainstorm, this initiative unites young change-makers worldwide to address global challenges. With the guidance of Next Generation Fellows and the UN Foundation’s Our Future Agenda team, it has expanded across five African sub-regions, poised to impact over 3000 secondary school students. This movement transcends mere career guidance; it aims to empower youth, bridge unemployment gaps, and foster innovation. The African Youth Mentorship Project stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for Africa’s youth, evolving into a powerful force for change, equipping the next generation of leaders to confront challenges and build a brighter future for the continent. Hosted by the registered Non-Governmental Organization Primacy Youth Development Initiative in Nigeria, this initiative began with youth symposia in over 10 African countries with the theme: “Building Young leaders, with Technological, and Entrepreneurial skills for the Advancement of the African region” ,with successful chapters in Nigeria, Uganda, South Africa, Liberia, Malawi, Ghana, DR Congo, and Cameroon.


Aimed at mentoring young Africans to enable them access job and economic opportunities, and equipping them with skills to lead for change and development in their various communities and the continent, the African youth Mentorship project aims to achieve its objectives through the programs below.

SELA Fellowship

Sustainable Education and Leadership for Africa Fellowship (SELA), is a program under the African Youth Mentorship Project, the maiden project of Primacy Youth Development Initiative.

aym nigeria symposium

AYM Symposium

African Youth Mentorship Symposium Program is designed to address a wide range of critical aspects pertinent to the holistic development of young individuals.

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